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  • Celebrating Women in Construction 2023


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    Banton Construction would like to celebrate Women in Construction Week from March 5th-11th.

    Above are some of the roles and responsibilities taken on by the women here at Banton, thank you all for your dedication and your contributions to our company!

    #WorkHard #BeCurious #BeConfident



  • Career Fair Season is Upon Us



    Banton Construction will be attending Quinnipiac University’s School of Business & Engineering’s annual Spring Career Fair once again. The event will take place on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, from 2:30pm-5:00pm.

    We invite you to stop by to meet members of the Banton Team and learn more about our employment and internship opportunities.


  • One "Warm" Success



    Thanks to the support of our employees, Banton’s first company-wide “One Warm Coat” Drive was a success!

    During the month of December, 100 coats were collected and donated to “Family Business,” a local nonprofit focused on improving the lives of Connecticut families.

    We are thankful for our employees efforts, as they supported One Warm Coat’s mission to provide winter necessities to men, women and children across the country.


  • Years of Service - Recognizing Banton Employees



    Hard work, loyalty and diligence are the trademark characteristics of great employees. 

    We would like to recognize the members of the Banton Team and share this graphic, which displays how committed our employees are to Banton Construction. 

    We are grateful for their continued dedication and extend our sincere appreciation for their commitment to Banton’s success throughout the years.


  • Bringing Accessibility Improvements to Train Stations in the Northeast


    Banton is simultaneously working on three projects that are all a part of Amtrak’s multi-year program aimed to bring 500+ stations into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

    These stations are located in Westport NY, Essex Junction VT, and New Haven CT.  The accessibility improvements include heated platforms, weathertight wheelchair lift enclosures, concrete ramps and sidewalks with tactile warning strips, wheelchair accessible ticket windows and reconfigured parking lots with freshly marked ADA parking spaces.

  • South Coast Rail - Work Begins


    Banton has started the construction of a new crew building in New Bedford, MA at the Wamsutta Layover Yard.  Banton is performing the work in the capacity of a subcontractor to the SCR Constructors (Middlesex Corporation and Tutor Perini Joint Venture).

    This layover facility is a small, but integral part of a $403.5 million-dollar contract, a portion of the $1.1 billion-dollar South Coast Railroad Expansion.  This endeavor is designed to extend commuter rail services to Fall River, New Bedford, and surrounding towns in Southeastern MA.

    Banton’s work is scheduled to be completed Spring 2023. 

    Graphic Credit and Additional Information:

  • Dylan Peltier Advancing to Project Executive Role


    Banton Construction is pleased to announce that Dylan Peltier will be stepping into the role of Project Executive, after leading as one of Banton’s top Project Managers and reaching his 25th year with Banton this coming November.

    Dylan is currently heading up Banton’s largest project to date. With a contract value of over $75 million dollars, the Hudson Line Express Cable Installation involves a 60+ mile-long stretch of railroad infrastructure installations between Croton-Harmon and Poughkeepsie, NY.

    Dylan’s expertise includes transportation facilities, train stations, active rail and wayside projects, as well as building renovations and new construction. Dylan has completed many successful projects, consistently exceeded the expectations of Owners and Designers alike, and has earned the respect of his coworkers, subcontractors and vendors.

    Among his many achievements, Dylan has developed and cultivated relationships with high-valued clients; including Metro North Railroad, Metropolitan Transit Authority, Greater Hartford Transit District, Windham Region Transit District and the Connecticut DOT. Dylan will dedicate his expertise as Project Executive to oversee multiple projects and continue to serve as a role model and mentor for others who seek to follow in his footsteps. 

    Banton is honored to have such a valuable team member, and we are looking forward to many more years of dedication and hard work to come. Please join us in congratulating Dylan for his achievements.

  • Ana Grace Academy Hosts Ribbon Cutting Ceremony


    A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held today at the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts in Bloomfield. Banton installed all of the electrical systems within the new building, including state-of-the-art theatrical and lighting control systems. Banton's work spanned all areas of the school; including a Black Box Theater, gymnasium, cafeteria and classrooms.

    Ana Grace Academy is one of over a dozen magnet schools operated by the Capitol Region Education Council. The school was named in honor of one of the children who died in the 2012 tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. During the ceremony, her father thanked the construction team for working closely with his family to ensure the building would properly honor the memory of his daughter. “Every room, every corridor, every swatch of fabric, every paint color - her presence is here,” he said.

  • Update - Upper Hudson Express Cable Installation Project


    Banton is installing nearly 60 miles of Signalization, Power, and Fiber Optic cables with associated infrastructure to support the implementation of Positive Train Control Systems (PTC) for Metro-North Railroad from Croton to Poughkeepsie in New York State. PTC is a system that greatly enhances Rail Safety and Efficiency for both passenger and freight traffic.

    The Upper Hudson Railway is an extraordinarily active railway serving as a main artery for Amtrak services from NYC to Poughkeepsie and points north including into Canada, the MNR commuter rail from Poughkeepsie into NYC and the main thoroughfare for CSX freight traffic connections throughout the country. The railway runs on a sliver of land between the Hudson Highland Mountains on the east side of the tracks and just feet from the Hudson River on the west side. Installation challenges include work through railway tunnels, over rail bridges and extensive work throughout remote areas with extremely limited access.



    While maintaining the active railway, Banton is performing a varied assortment of civil work; including removing thousands of yards of glacial and metamorphic rock, performing excavations adjacent to MNR tracks requiring rerouting of locomotives, and cross track excavations (digging under the railroad from one side of the tracks to the other).

    In addition to providing the infrastructure, Banton is utilizing two full power locomotives to install cables with a locomotive plow system. The plow system breaks the earth and installs direct bury rated cables along the MNR right of way right from the tracks.

    Major Subcontractors on this Project include Verde Electric, Michels Power, Precision Locomotive and many others.

    The project is scheduled to be completed in 2023.

    Photo Credit: Douglas Cunningham, Publisher and Editor, Putnam County News and Recorder

  • Employees "Gather" for Virtual Safety Stand Down


    Banton held a virtual Safety Stand Down for all company supervisors and foremen at the end of 2021.

    Scott Pipicelli from Traveler’s Insurance Company of America joined us to present two topics: Creating a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) and Slips, Trips and Falls.

    Collectively, members of our company who oversee daily activities on multiple project sites were able to discuss and identify hazards and protective methods, while refreshing their knowledge of Banton’s safety policies, goals and expectations.


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